Social Science-Fiction
Cyberpunk: Neuromancer, Blade Runner/Do Androids dream of electric Sheep, Akira, Ghost in the Shell
Dystopy/Utopy or (Post) Apocalyptic: 1984, Brave New World, Fahrenheit 451, The Road, Hunger Games, Running Man, The Long Walk, Matrix, I am Legend, Gattaca
Hard Science-Fiction:
Space Colonization: Mars Trilogy, The Martian, Limit, Ringworld?, Solaris?Soft Science-Fiction
Space Opera: Foundation, Star Trek, Star Wars, Ancillary Justice, Culture, Uplift, Hyperion, Mass Effect, DuneTime Travel: The Time Machine, All you Zombies, All you need is Kill, The Time Traveller`s Wife
Military Sci-Fi: Ender`s Game, Starship Troopers, Old Men`s War, The Forever War, Alien?
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